

Why did archaefructus plants extinct?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Why did archaefructus plants extinct?
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There are an estimated 20,000 species of plants and animals currently at risk of extinction due to human activities. Some of the plants already made extinct by humans are Archaefructus, Dillhoffia, and Sphenophyllum. Some animals extinct because of humans include Quagga, Thylacine, and Steller's Sea Cow.

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Some extinct plants in Mauritius include the dodo tree (Sideroxylon grandiflorum), the Round Island burr (Solenostemon dioscorides), and the Bojer's arrowroot (Maranta bojeri). These plants were driven to extinction primarily due to habitat loss and the introduction of non-native species.

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when if the plants went extinct of deforesation will be no life on earth

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Yes, there are good number of endangered and extinct plants on this planet.

What are endagared plants?

Those plants that are about to become extinct.

Will the plants ever be extinct?

Unless the government realizes that trees are running out, plants could get extinct in about 100,000 or so.

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How do scientist learn about plants that are extinct?

Scientists can learn about extinct plants through fossils, pollen records, and ancient DNA analysis. Fossils provide direct physical evidence of past plant species, while pollen records give insights into the types of plants that existed based on the pollen grains preserved in sediments. Ancient DNA analysis can also reveal genetic information about extinct plants by extracting and sequencing DNA from preserved specimens, providing a deeper understanding of their evolutionary history.

Why do plants and animals extinct?

either they get killed off or their food source becomes extinct

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Why do plants reproduce?

Plants reproduce in order to create offspring and ensure the continuation of their species. This can be achieved through sexual reproduction, where plants produce seeds or spores, or through asexual reproduction, such as through cloning or vegetative propagation. Reproduction allows plants to adapt to their environment, increase genetic diversity, and survive in various conditions.

When plants and animals cease to exist they are said to be?

When a species dies out completely, it becomes extinct.