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Coalition governments provided economic support for countries ravage by war. Also, they provided an inherently stronger military in the event of another conflict.

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Q: Why did coalition governments often form in post-world war 1 Europe?
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What continent did the explorers pass by most often?


What was life like for women in 1912?

Life for women in 1912 was extremely unfair as they were forced to do stuff by there husbands1 and were often bullied into things2 and they had no power to vote or do anything that would change the governments ideas3.

What was the munich mistake?

The Munich Mistake is often considered what lead Europe in the disastrous World War II. It was appeasing Germany when it began its arms buildup. Rather than challenging them, nothing of any substance was done.

1 Who united Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire?

Europe is not united, and never has been. Each country within Europe has its own sovereignty and allegiances The Roman Empire never governed the whole of Europe. Much of Germany, all of Scotland and Ireland were never part of the Roman Empire. The Jutes, Angles and Saxons, for example, invaded Roman Britain from unconquered lands of Europe; the European Franks invaded the areas now called France; and the Huns and the Visigoths invaded other parts of the 'European' extent of the Roman Empire in the first 500 years AD. The fall of the Western part of the Roman Empire as often dated as 476, but individual local sovereignties had already begun to emerge by this time. After the Romans, different groups struggled for supremacy. However, not one of them achieved a united Europe. * For more information, see Related links below this box.

Where did the saying 'just fell off the turnip truck' come from?

In 1836 there was a great famine in Europe and the only produce available were turnips. People would gather around the wagons as they approached and were often hit by them causing brain damage.

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What do you mean by coalition politics discuss the different forms of coalition politics?

A coalition government - is formed by members of all parties. This is totally different to a government formed by just the members of the majority party. Coalition governments are better for the electorate, as they cover all viewpoints - whereas a 'single-party' government can often be one-sided.

Why does Ireland favor a coalition government?

It is not a case that Ireland favours a coalition government, but that the elections often result in them. There are a number of main political parties in Ireland, not just two as in many countries. The electoral system is a proportional representation system. As this is the case, it is hard for one party to get an overall majority in a general election. The result of that is that there are often coalition governments in Ireland.

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What are coalition governments and why are they often unstable?

A coalition government is a cabinet of a parliamentary government in which several parties cooperate. The usual reason given for this arrangement is that no party on its own can achieve a majority in the parliament.To deal with a situation in which no clear majorities appear through general elections, parties either form coalition cabinets, supported by a parliamentary majority, or minority cabinets which may consist of one or more parties. Cabinets based on a coalition with majority in a parliament, ideally, are more stable and long-lived than minority cabinets. While the former are prone to internal struggles, they have less reason to fear votes of non-confidence. Majority government based on a single party are typically even more stable, as long as their majority can be maintained.

What is an example sentence for coalition?

Sixty churches formed a coalition to serve the community.Groups often form a coalition to share resources and maximize their efforts.The Coalition of Single Mothers held their annual conference.

What happens to a country when a coalition falls apart?

This depends on the situation. If it is an opposition coalition, often nothing will happen, other than a reorganizing of opposition. If it is a government coalition, often times the government falls, or other coalitions have to be made. Sometimes civil war results.

How would you use coalition in a sentence?

A coalition is a joining of groups, or individuals, who cooperate to try to reach a common goal. A coalition is often temporary, for convenience sake.The coalition met regularly to discuss policy and to try to forge an agreement with one another for the greater good.It was decided instead of running against on another, they would form a coalition and share responsibility equally.

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