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Q: Why did cole burn down the shelter that Edwin made for him?
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Why did cole burn down his shelter in touching spirit bear?

He burns down his shelter because he thinks his dad paid for it and is angry at his dad.

What does cole do after wroking on his shelter?

In chapter two Cole burns down his shelter. This is the book Sprite Bear.

The ancestor rock in touching spirit bear?

Edwin made Cole carry the rock up a hill, he told Cole the rock is your ancestors and the hill is life. Edwin used this as a lesson for Cole. When they got to the top of the hill Cole put the rock down, the rock then became his anger, Edwin told Cole to push the rock down the hill roll away his anger. With each time you roll the rock away and carry it up the hill you will learn respect said Edwin....An ancestor rock is a rock passed down through the years usually in Indian cultures. Ancestor rocks usually have paintings on them of their past ancestors.

Did Dorinda Clark-Cole house burn down?

Her house did not burn down. She had a kitchen fire. And she is currently or in the final stages of getting her house repaired.

How does cole act in touching spirit bear?

Cole acts as if he was not afraid of the island in the beginning. He starts progressing after he gets mauled and sees the baby sparrows dying. He also feels bad for Peter so he asks Edwin for Peter to come on the island and helps him with his problems. Peter helps Cole draw on his totem and Peter builds his own totem as well. In the end Cole passes down the at.oow down to Peter.

Did Borley Rectory burn down?

yes it did burn down

How do you burn trees?

You burn down trees by using really really strong fire and then you can just watch it burn down and watch it burn down with the fire!

What shelter put down animal everyweek?

The shelter that puts down animals every week is called The mean shelter. It is called that because they kill so many animals every week. Another one is called the Put-down shelter.

Did Dorinda Clark Cole house burn down?

I'm not sure if it completely burned down, but I heard her speak a few weeks ago, and she said they had a kitchen fire and the fire dept. had to come to put it out. So apparently it was not a small fire.

When was Burn Me Down created?

Burn Me Down was created in 1992-01.

Who shows Cole Mathews how to control his anger in the book touching spirit bear?

In the book "Touching Spirit Bear," it is Garvey who helps Cole learn how to control his anger and find inner peace through various healing exercises and practices on the isolated island. Garvey serves as a mentor figure, guiding Cole on his journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Why did Cole feed green woods into the fire in Touching Spirit Bear?

Cole fed green woods into the fire as a way to challenge himself and prove his ability to stay in control of his anger. By resisting the urge to put out the fire, he was able to build inner strength and resilience. Additionally, it symbolized his commitment to making positive changes in his life.