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Q: Why did communities develop in certain locations and not others?
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Which community is it that people who serve others and pray together?

There are many communities where people who serve others pray together. They include Jewish, Christian, Islamic and Buddhist communities, among others.

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You can view games from other rooms if they have a window which is accessable. Certain games may also have cameras which allow others to view them from remote locations.

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It is banned in several locations, and others are considering it. one of the locations is TN.

Where is the United Bank located?

United Bank is a financial institution with many locations in the United States. For instance, there are United Bank locations from California to Virginia. There are also banks with United Bank in the title, such as People's United Bank and First United Bank. Some of these banks are only available in certain states, while others have nationwide locations.

What age do they give shots in the butt?

Shots in the rear are done because of the type of medicine being injected, not because of age. I am middle-aged, and receive certain injections in the rear (which the nurses call, "The hip") and others are done in the shoulder. There is a difference between the two locations. When I was a kid, I had injections in both locations, as well. Also in the Army, both locations.

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why do some people have to develop their psychic abilities and others dont people who have to develop them just have to connect more with their subconscience instead of analyzing everything

Who said that Human beings is essentially social beings?

Aristotle is often credited with the idea that human beings are essentially social beings. He believed that humans are naturally drawn to live in communities and develop relationships with others as a fundamental part of human nature.

Is delta k an accepted kosher sponsorship in orthodox Jewish communities?

There is no one hechsher that is accepted by all Orthodox communities. Some communities accept the Triangle K hechsher while others don't.

Will cats hold grudges against others?

It is uncertain whether it can be called a "grudge", that being a particularly human concept, but it is certain that cats can develop a dislike of specific other cats , or of specific people.

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so they can teach others

How do legends develop?

legends are good learners . so they always learn anything from others and develop themselves