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One reason that congress passed the National Defense Act and the Naval Construction Act of 1916 was to enlarge the size of naval and army construction. Those acts were also passed to get the United States prepared for war.

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The United States was about to enter WWI. These new naval pieces would help the allies to win the war.

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Q: Why did congress pass the national defence act and the naval construction act of 1916?
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Why did congress pass the national defense act and naval construction act in 1916?

congress passed the acts because Germany resumed their unrestricted submarine warfare. -novanet

Why did congress pass the national defense act and the naval construction act in 1916?

congress passed the acts because germany resumed their unrestricted submarine warfare. -novanet

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Why did pass the national defense act and the naval construction act in 1916?

congress passed the acts because Germany resumed their unrestricted submarine warfare. -novanet

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Why did congress pass the nation defense act and the naval construction act In 1916?

congress passed the acts because Germany resumed their unrestricted submarine warfare. -novanet

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Why did congress the national defense act and the naval construction act in 1916?

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