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Q: Why did david want to build a house for god?
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Who did David want to build a house for in Jerusalem?

David wanted to build a temple for God. But God didn't want him to build it. David's son Solomon was going to build it.

What did David want to build in II Samuel 7?

David wanted to build the temple, but God did not allow it since David was a man of war.

Why Solomon want to build a temple?

It was a dream passed down by his father, David. David wanted to build it, but God prevented it because David was a man of war.

What was the importance of Solomon's temple to God?

It was the desire of David to build a house for the Lord, but David could not because of his past deeds. But God told David that he would allow Solomon to build a house, so the children of Israel would have a permanent worship center where they knew God abode. Read 2nd Samuel chapter 7 and 1st Kings chapter 5.

What accomplishments did king david accomplish?

David slew Goliath, built a mighty empire, he wanted to build the famous temple, but god did not want him to do it as he had blood on his fingers.

Did god tell king Solomon that he wouldn't ever build that temple again?

No it was that God told David not to build the temple , not Solomon.

In 2 Samuel why did God prohibit David from building a house for God?

because according to God, david had blood on his hands. he did though say that david's son soloman could.

What was the purpose of the Temple in Jerusalem?

According to the Bible, Kind David wanted to build a permanent house for god instead of the Portable Tabernacle. David provided the funds, and his son King Solomon oversaw the building of the 1st Temple

Who told Solomon to build temples?

Actually GOD bidding about the temple. David strongly desired to do so but GOD forbid him, reasoning that David had shed too much blood. The task was past on to David's son and successor, Solomon. However it was David that provided most of the financing, gathering the material that was to be used to build the temple.

Does God want you to have a clean house?

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In 2 Samuel 7 God made a covenant with David In whom is this fulfilled today?

Christians believe that God's covenant with David is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ, who is considered by many to be from the line of David. Jesus is seen as the eternal king and the fulfillment of the promise of a kingdom that will last forever. This belief is emphasized in the New Testament, particularly in the Gospels and in Christian theology.

Why did King Solomon honor the commitment made by his father King David to build a temple in Jerusalem?

Because God commanded it (Deuteronomy 12:10-14; 2 Samuel ch.7).King Solomon's reign saw the erection of the magnificent temple in Jerusalem. His father, King David, had wanted to build a great temple for God a generation earlier, as a permanent resting place for the Ark of the Covenant which contained the Ten Commandments.