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Q: Why did each side blame the other for the first shot at lexington?
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How do you get your friends to kiss you well first hang out with him then if u think he likes you flirt with him if u flirt enough get close to each other and kiss if this does not work dont blame me?

Why to blame you? Its just a perfect layout for a kiss from a friend.

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They blame each other for the floods and storms. Both of them are right, they both caused the storms because they were always fighting.

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First, if you are talking about how we get to be all friends, First,don't blame other people. Second, we need peace so we won't have wars and we will be nice to each other. Third,don't make enemies and don't fight and don't tease.

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If Lexington you are referring to the American Revolution. Then the Battle on Lexington Green was the first skirmish of the American Revolution. The "shot heard around the world" was fired on April 19th 1775 when an unknown shot was discharged. The American colonists and the British soldiers not knowing who fired engaged each other in a fire fight which 8 militia men were killed and one British soldier was wounded.

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1. I inveigh blame on me. 2. Politicians always inveighed to each other statements.

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Yes and no. It is okay to blame BP for the parts of the oil leak that they were actually responsible for. It is not okay to blame BP for the entire fault of the oil spill, where other people were responsible. Each party involved should share their appropriate share of the responsibility and blame.

Who was blamed for the cold war?

They were both to blame (Britian and the US + Russia) because they both wanted to enforce their ways upon each other.

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he was pointing out the different aspects of a relationship going bad. couples tend to blame each other for the problems in the relationship when really its both their faults at the end of the day and then they think about it blame themselves then blame each other again. I honestly think he's talking about his experiences also his deepest feeling. but basically if you ever felt a deep love for someone and you like never thought it would end but then it does and it seems all the feelings you had are crushed...and the person you once knew so well has become a stranger

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What is quaintly known in the UK as Knock for knock. Equal blame, equal responsibility.

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Tell each other things that aren't true. For example: You tell the girlfriend when she is alone that you saw her boyfriend with another girl. Or you tell the boyfriend you saw her making out with another guy. Say stuff like that too each other, and then when they blame it on you, blame it on somebody else. Or even start a rumor, so that it finally gets to one of them.

Who was to blame in charge of the light brigade?

Both of the commanders, Lucan and Cardigan are to blame for the heavy British casualties. They may have experienced an honest miscommunication, but some people believe they misled each other on purpose due to a 30 year rivalry.

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George Orwell. The Cold War never really started or ended - the US and its allies just kinda started giving each other dirty looks over breakfast, and went to work figuring out how to blow each other up. I blame it on Orwell because he's the first one to call it that.