

Why did everyone decide to call your state North Carolina?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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to be honest i have no clue i just like typing :p

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Q: Why did everyone decide to call your state North Carolina?
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Why is North Carolina's state song The Old North State?

North Carolina history takes you back a long time ago and it is the north carolina and it is a state

What state borders North Carolina to the south?

North Carolina.

Is North Carolina democrat or republican?

Depends on how you look at it. State wide North Carolina votes Republican in most areas. But President Obama won the state in 2008 by a narrow margin. The people of North Carolina will decide in 2012 how the state will go in this Presidential election.

What is North Carolina's state stone?

North Carolina's state rock is granite, and state gemstone is emerald.

What state is the University of North Carolina in?

North Carolina

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North Carolina

Which state is the Tar Heel state?

North Carolina is known as the Tarheel state.

What are the names of all of the colleges that are a part of the U.N.C. system?

The University of North Carolina System consists of 16 universities, including Appalachian State University, East Carolina University, North Carolina State University, UNC Chapel Hill, UNC Charlotte, UNC Greensboro, UNC Pembroke, UNC Wilmington, and others.

What are five important states in North Carolina?

North Carolina is a state and there is no states with a state.

Why does North Carolina have a state flag?

north Carolina has a state flag to declare there Independence

What is North Carolina's state snake?

North Carolina does not have a snake chosen to be the state snake.

What is the North Carolina state beverage?

Milk is the official state beverage of North Carolina.