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There were still major shortages of materials. It took a lot of time to convert the war production back to civilian and non-war production. It took time to grow crops and change production lines to produce shoes rather than combat boots.

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14y ago

The reason rationing continued after the war is that they needed time to recreate the linksbringing the foods in.

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Q: Why did food rationing continue after the war?
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Why did the rationing stopped?

Rationing stopped because the war was over and there wasn't a shortage of food anymore.

What was the nickname givin to food rationing in World War 2?

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What was the significance of rationing?

The significance of rationing was to save food. The food that was saved was sent to the soldiers fighting in World War 2

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food was shortened.

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Which country did rationing continue until 1956 6 years after World War 2 ended?


Was there ever Food Rationing in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland during World War 2 and after?

There was rationing in both jurisdictions. Rationing in the Republic was less severe however and ended before rationing in the North ended.

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War rationing

Know the name of the government agency responsible for rationing during the World War 2?

The Office of Price Administration administered the Food Ration Program and other rationing in the United States. The Food Department of the Board of Trade (Food Ministry) administrated the food rationing in Great Britain.

Was there rationing during the Korean war?

No, there was no rationing in korean war

How did rationing help the war cause?

Rationing controlled the amount of resources consumers used and ensured the manufacture of war products, including food stuffs for soldiers, was kept at a high level.