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i think Haiti had a bit to much and fell over a wall and hurt his head

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Q: Why did haiti have a earthquake and not new york?
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Are there any new zealand connections to the haiti earthquake?

Christchurch earthquake

Did an earthquake hit New York?

No not New York but an earthquake hit Chile

What was the earthquake in haiti?

what time did the earthquake came and hit Haiti

What actions did people take that increased the effects of the Haiti earthquake?

Inaction is probably the greatest cause of the scale of the Haitian earthquake catastrophe. For whatever reason -- poverty or corruption -- Haiti had little or no earthquake building codes, which meant their building were extremely vulnerable to earthquakes. Building construction was exceptionally shoddy, even for not having earthquake codes. It is important to note that most of the U.S. has relatively little or no earthquake building codes. The Pacific coast states, being seismically more active, do, but significant earthquakes do occur -- albeit more rarely -- in the east. New York City, for instance, did not adopt an earthquake code until 1995, and it only applies to new buildings, and it only accounts for a 5.5-richter earthquake (the Haiti Quake was 7.0, more than ten times as powerful). Most high rise buildings in New York were built long before this, and may be very vulnerable to a Haiti-scale earthquake which can occur in New York.

What kind of earthquake happened in Haiti?

There was a big earthquake in 2010 in Haiti. The earthquake was 7.0

Is the haiti earthquake the strongest earthquake ever?

It is the strongest earthquake that has ever been in Haiti.

Is New Zealand more developed than Haiti?

yes, because haiti had a big earthquake recently.

What year was the earthquake in Haiti?

The earthquake in Haiti happened in 2009.

What year did the Haiti earthquake happen?

Haiti's earthquake happend in 2010.

Did Haiti have an earthquake?

Haiti did have an earthquake on 12 January 2010.

Is New York on an earthquake plate?

New York we have not had earthquake. but lets wait and see what happen

Where was the haiti earthquake in 2010?
