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The national bank became a source of controversy when the congress started discussing the laws that would help in its regulations. There were certain clauses of the constitution that allowed it to be discussed while some members did not agree.

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The first National Bank was controversial because its creation was entirely justified by the elastic clause of the Constitution. Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury and the one who first proposed the Bank his Report on the National Bank, said that since the Bank was "necessary and proper", and the Constitution allowed for things that were "necessary and proper", the Bank was completely allotted for in the Constitution. However, strict constructionists like Thomas Jefferson and James Madison believed that the Constitution had to be read literally, and that a national bank wasn't in the provisions of it. In addition Jefferson and Madison feared that a national bank would strengthen the central government (not a small part of Hamilton's intentions), and that it would lend more power to the bankers and traders of city life (which Hamilton also would not mind).

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Q: Why did hamiltons national bank create a controversy?
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He opposed it because the Constitution did not grant that power to Congress.

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Hamilton's plan to pay off the national debt had three parts. The first was to pay off all war debt, next was to raise government revenue and last to create a national bank.

What was hamiltons plan for the national debt?

By using national banks. There for when people went to the bank they had owned money. That had made America increase there debt.

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By using national banks. There for when people went to the bank they had owned money. That had made America increase there debt.