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Q: Why did iraquis to set fire to oil wells in Kuwait?
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What did the Iraqi army do as they retreated from Kuwait?

They set fire to about 700 oil wells when leaving Kuwait

Where did many oil wells get set on fire during the Persian Gulf War?

In Kuwait

Who did Iraq try to invade in gulf war?

Kuwait. Upon his retreat, Saddam Hussein set the oil wells on fire... they burned for years.

What did Iraqi troops deliberately do as they withdrew from Kuwait?

Destroyed the oil wells.

What are some events in the modern Middle East that were directly influenced by oil?

Here are some events in the Middle East that were directly influenced by oil:Operation Iraqi Freedom, or the second Persian Gulf War: Ensured American oil companies with plenty of wells in Iraq to drill and use.Operation Desert Storm (1991): Saddam Hussein made loads of money with his oil wells, got really greedy and tried invading Kuwait. America came to Kuwait's aid and Saddam set lots of his wells on fire. America helped Kuwait because Kuwait sells oil to America.The formation and success of several mid eastern countries are directly related to the discovery and exploration of oil. Like for example, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates. Similarly, the founding of OPEC was to coordinate the benefits that would accrue from the oil received.

What did Saddom Hussein do to cause the Gulf War?

He invaded Kuwait, Tried to take over the oil wells there.

Are oil spills in the desert?

Yes. If fact some of the largest spills occurred in Kuwait during the Kuwait war, and during the Iraqi-Iran war. These spills were intentional, so sometimes they are not listed in the history of oil spills. In Kuwait, the burning oil caused widespread air pollution. In the current war in Iraq, I have not heard of oil spills from wells, but pipelines are frequently attacked, as they run near roads. Smaller spills have occurred from wells producing in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Kuwait due to human error, and the environmental damage is frequently limited.

Who stared the war of Kuwait?

Saddam Hussein ( Iraq's leader) invaded Kuwait in 1990. He wanted to take over it's oil wells and to continue his invasion to Saudi Arabia for the same reason.

Who won the gulf war?

The UN Coalition led by the United States won the war. Iraq lost the war. Kuwait suffered billions of dollars of damage and lost oil revenues from when the Iraqi soldiers started burning the oil wells.

When did the largest oil spill ever happen in the world?

The largest oil spill occurred in Kuwait in 1991 as wells were purposely set on fire by the Iraqi military. Some lists of the worse spills in history do not count this as the worse spill because it was not an accidental oil spill. There was pollution in the Persian Gulf from the spillage of oil from storage tanks and air pollution as the oil from the wells was set on fire. Some of the confusion on oil spill statistics occurs because tanker oil spills are recorded in tons of oil spilled and other spills are in gallons or barrels. I prefer million of barrels (MMbbls) so the Kuwait war spilled 1,000 to 1,500 MMbbls compared to the estimated 4.1 to 4.9 MMbbls for the BP oil spill of 2010. See related links.

Where did the Kuwait oil fire happened?

when Iraq invaded Kuwait the US. army forced Iraq to sauced from Kuwait and on the way out the blow up all of Kuwait's oil pumps there for setting them of fire and the estimated the i would take bout 4 years to put out all the fires but instead it only took bout one or two month's think I'm not 100% sure sorry :P

Who produces more oil Iraq or Kuwait?
