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Honestly, I do not remember pain the first time... however it is possible. I would say play with yourself a week or 2 more and if you are sill in pain, ask the Doc!

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Q: Why did it hurt when my first sperm came out it was clear will it stop i am 13?
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Does it hurt when sperm come out?

No, it does not hurt!

Can sperm release hurt?

No, it should not hurt.

Does producing sperm hurt?

No it does not.

Can sperm hurt your tonsil?

Ya, it can.

Can sperm hurt you?

Obby. You know it.

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That is not how an IUD works. What an IUD do is to stop an egg from attaching to the inside of the uterus. It had no effect on the sperm. But no, it shouldn't hurt.

Does it hurt a puppy to swallow human sperm?

NO. It will not hurt. What you are probably asking is if it can have adverse effects for your puppy... Sperm are essentially protein and dogs can cope well with protein in their diet.

Im 11 and you were playing xbox today and when you pressed the shoot trigger your controller vibrated and apparantely it was close to you penis and something gooey came up and it hurt badly is this ok?

Haha, yes it's fine! You just ejactulated for the first time! That's when a man squirts semen (which is another word for sperm) out of his penis. When you're older you'll learn about it in Health class. Also, it won't hurt when you're older.

At a young age does it hurt to sperm?

Does it hurt? No... 90% of the time it feels really good. The other 10% of the time it can feel a bit uncomfortable and scratchy for the first few pushes. It all depends on your partners moisture level. Basicly if the man does the foreplay right, it will feel good 100% of the time. If the woman is not as turned on as the man, it can be a bit uncomfortable until the womans moisture level increases, or some other lubrication is aplied.

Can dogs drink tomato juice?

Yes they can. It won't hurt them, but it will be a challenge to get them to drink it.

Why do you need to have clear spaces for toddler to move around in?

If a space is clear, there is less space for a toddler to fall and hurt himself.

Why is it hard to get over your first boyfriend who treated you so badly?

Even if he treated you badly, he was you first experience of 'love'. All be it not a very good one if you consider him to have hurt you. You will always remember your first loves. In time (obviously, depending on how you define 'hurt' physically or emotionally) you will remember the good memories you had with this person. Stay clear of people who are like this person who hurt you, that way you will know better and be able to have a happier relationship with some one who wont hurt you. Chin up.