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Jem forced Scout to spit out the gum because he feared that it could be poisoned or contaminated by someone trying to harm them. He was concerned for Scout's safety and didn't want her to unknowingly consume something harmful left in the secret knothole.

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Q: Why did jem force scout to spit out the gum she found in the knothole?
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Why does Jem make scout spit it out right now?

Jem makes Scout spit out the gum she found in the knothole of the tree because he thinks it might be poisoned and someone is trying to harm them. He wants to protect Scout from any potential danger.

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Scout and Jem find two small figurines carved out of soap a couple of days after finding the gum in the knothole of the Radley tree. The figurines resemble them, which leads them to believe that Boo Radley may be leaving them gifts.

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A spit is a landform that projects into the ocean. It is like a small peninsula

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The kids greased the gate hinges with butter to prevent it from squeaking. They did this to avoid attracting noise and attention when sneaking onto Boo Radley's property.

What liquid substance can be found in your mouth?

Spit. Saliva.

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Dill and Scout quietly oil the gate's hinges with Atticus's oilcan to make it stop squeaking when they enter the Radley Place.

What does mr.Avery do which jem and dill try to imitate but scout decides she can't do?

Mr. Avery can spit tobacco far across the street, which Jem and Dill try to imitate but Scout decides she can't do because she is a girl.

You had 5 teeth removed yesterday and you did spit yesterday but not a lot like you would let the spit fall out will you get dry sockets?

No. For the first couple of days you need to try not to spit. The first day it is ok to just let the spit run out, you should not get a dry socket because you are not putting force on the wound.

What do iguanas spit?

NOT venom, I have one as a pet, keep carefully, they spit an acidic something, no effect on the skin, but burns the eye or in the body (found out after it spat into my mouth)

Is there such a thing as a spit rail in a pool?

The interior hand rail and drain often found in professional competitive pools are referred to by the slang term "spit rail" since swimmers could spit into them without fouling the pool water.