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Q: Why did khayyam disagree with the geocentric model?
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What geocentric model of the earth is?

There is no geocentric model of the earth!

Did Aristotle support the heilocentric and geocentric model?

Aristotle supported the geocentric model, which placed Earth at the center of the universe. He did not propose a heliocentric model with the Sun at the center. It was later astronomers like Copernicus who challenged the geocentric model in favor of a heliocentric one.

Why has the heliocentric model been replaced with the geocentric model?

The heliocentric model is the one that replaces the geocentric model because the heliocentric model better described the solar system.

Who challenged the geocentric model of the solar system?

Nicolaus Copernicus was the astronomer to challenge the geocentric model of the solar system.

What is a description of the solar system in which all planets revolve around Earth?

Geocentric model. This has earth at the centre. We now know this not to be true.

What is a geocentric model who came up with it?

A geocentric model places the Earth as the center axis of the universe. It originated with Anaximander.

Geocentric model holds that the earth is the center of the univers?

Yes, that's what "geocentric" means.

How the geocentric model of the universe stated that?

The geocentric modelof the universe stated that the earth was at the centre of the universe.

What did ptolemy invent?

geocentric model & epicycles

What was the earth centered model created by Ptolemy called?

The geocentric model.

Which model of the solar system has Earth at the center of the revolving planets and stars?

This would be known as a geocentric model, and it is pretty easy to show why such a model is unlikely.

Who contradicted Ptolemys geocentric model?

Nicholas Copernicus