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Q: Why did later absolute monarchs choose not to force their will on their subjects(the people)?
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Why were so many monarchs in European called Absolute rulers?

they were called absolute rulers because people believe that they have absolute powers granted by god so the people need to follow the rulers. The rulers also have divine-rights and they were responsible to no one but god.

Why was Catherine the Great an Absolute Monarch?

Peter the great and Catherine the Great were considered great absolute monarchs. The reason for this is that they were interested in making Russia better and stronger.

How did the ideas of absolute monarchs conflict with the ideas of enlightenment thinkers?

Absolute monarchs believed in the divine right to rule and concentrated power in their own hands, while Enlightenment thinkers promoted the idea of individual rights, liberty, and the need for a system of checks and balances in government. They challenged the traditional belief in absolute authority and advocated for greater political participation and representation of the people.

In what type of government does a monarch have complete control over the people?

The form of government which means monarchs have total control over their subjects is known as absolute monarchy. This was first instituted by King Charles XI in Sweden.

What are the 3 characteristics of absolute monarchs?

1. In an absolute monarchy only the people selected by the ruler are allowed to participate in the government. 2. In an absolute monarchy one person, the ruler, has the power to make decisions. 3. Majority rules does not exist in an absolute monarchy. Minority rule and one-person rule exist in an absolute monarchy. (I COPIED THIS FROM MY TEXTBOOK)

Why do monarchs send people to the pit?

They are bad. Sometimes the monarchs are mean or evil.

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Why are people enemies of monarchs?

Because people think there so beutiful and try to keep them as pets and they do not eat them because monarchs have poisin in them

In what wasy did absolute ruler differ from medieval rulers in terms of their right to rule?

AnswerAbsolute monarchs are people who forcefully take power by either gaining their power from the army or having a powerful family that had many followers. I believe that absolute monarchs are dumb for even trying to forcefully take power from the people while also knowing that they were going to sometime fall. Also knowing that if they finally fall, that means DEATH!!!!!!

Was a pharaoh a tyrant?

Yes. All Pharaohs in Egypt were absolute monarchs and tyrants. Some were better people in terms of how they treated their subordinates, etc., but none of them delegated authority to any person to such a degree that that person could serve as a check to the Pharaoh.

Why was there tension between the kings and ordinary people of Europe after the Congress of Vienna?

The French Revolution had demonstrated to the various peoples of Europe that governments controlled by the people, and not ruled over by monarchs could prevail in Europe. People wanted a greater say in their government and increasing liberalism. By contrast, the monarchs after the Congress of Vienna wanted to return to the pre-Revolutionary atmosphere in Europe and serve as absolute rulers. This confrontation of political wills set the two groups squarely against each other.

What benefits might absolute monarchs hope to gain by increasing their countries territory in the 1500's?

Land enables a monarch to have a bigger population, and more people to fight for his army―it enables them to be more powerful, which can be useful if attacked by other neighboring countries.