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it increased after Gutenberg's invented the printing press because, he created a machine that allowed him to move small blocks of letters.

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Q: Why did literacy increase after Guttenberg invented the printing press?
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Who invented the printing press in the middle ages?

Guttenberg in Worms Germany. You can still see it there today.

Did Steve Guttenberg invent the printing press?

No. Steve Guttenberg is an actor. The inventor of the printing press was Johannes Gutenberg.

What did Johannes Guttenberg invent that changed the world?

TECHOLOGA NEW RESPONDENT He invented the mechanical movable printing about in 1439 .

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What came first printing press or typewriter?

The printing press came before the typewriter. The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century, while the typewriter was developed in the 19th century.

Who introduced printing in the middle ages?

Guttenberg Press

Did literacy decrease after printing press was invented?

No, with greater access to books, people had a greater reason to learn how to read, and, as a result, literacy increased

Who made the first printed bible on his movable printing press?

Johannes Guttenberg

What was an effect of the printing pressing?

One effect of the printing press was the ability to mass produce books, leading to a widespread increase in literacy and access to knowledge. It also facilitated the spread of new ideas, ultimately fueling the Renaissance and Reformation movements.

Did literacy and printing increase faithfulness in the Church?

Not quite. The increase in knowledge led to people deviating from the Church. What better way to rule your people than to keep them stupid?

Adult literacy in Europe rose after the printing press was invented?

no. everybody forgot how to read and then died because they drank anti freeze.

What was the significance of the development of guttenberg's printing press?

The development of Gutenberg's printing press in the 15th century revolutionized the way information was disseminated by making it faster, cheaper, and more accessible. This innovation played a key role in the spread of knowledge, literacy, and the Protestant Reformation. It was a significant milestone in the history of communication and had a lasting impact on society.