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Q: Why did mail order catalog help people and more rule areas of the country?
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the mail order catalog, which allowed people in rural areas of the country to have access to America's growing material output.

How did mail-order help people in more rural areas in the country?

Mail-order catalogs help people in more rural areas of the country because they could now buy products that were once available only in cities.

How did mail-order catalogs help in more rural areas of the country?

Mail-order catalogs help people in more rural areas of the country because they could now buy products that were once available only in cities.

How did mailed help people in more rural areas of the country?

Mail-order catalogs help people in more rural areas of the country because they could now buy products that were once available only in cities.

Can you order a Spiegel Catalog?

How can I order a catalog?

Where can I pick up a JCPenny catalog?

You can get a catalog in the store itself and at any JCPenny pick up locations. Some places in the country are pick up only locations and you can also order from a catalog there as well.

How did mail-orders help people in more rural areas of the country?

Mail-order catalogs help people in more rural areas of the country because they could now buy products that were once available only in cities.

How did the mail-order catalogs help people in more rural areas of the country?

When mail order catalogs began it was sent by railroad. Sears in the 1800's was the first mail order company. Sears was a pocket watch salesman when he came up with the idea to sell using a catalog. He began his company in Chicago because it was the railroad hub for western/eastern trains. His catalog sold everything from dolls to kit houses and every home had two things on the coffee table or kitchen table. The Bible and the Sears catalog. Since the car isn't invented until the early 1900's people in rural areas had problems getting some supplies, so the Sears catalog met those needs. All they had to do was go to the shipping office of the railroad and get their order. Eventually JC Pennies also produced a catalog to compete with Sears.

The development of what spurred the growth of catalog companies?

The development of the Sears traveling salesman spurred the growth of catalog companies. Sears is the first company to have an annual catalog for people to order merchandise from.

The development of what spurred of the growth of catalog companies?

The development of the Sears traveling salesman spurred the growth of catalog companies. Sears is the first company to have an annual catalog for people to order merchandise from.

What did mercantilism lead to?

Mercantilism lead to the catalog sales book. People that did not find what they wanted in the mercantile store, could order it out of a catalog. The first such catalog of this type was printed by the Sears Roebuck Company.

How did the railroads benefits the economy?

They were able to people and goods faster across country. Businesses like Sears began because of the railroad. They were a mail order catalog and sold everything from dolls to houses.