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The only place the Nazis deported Jews was to concentration camps. And the deportation to the camps was forced, under heavy guard. So even though the Jews may have had some place to go outside Germany or the occupied territories, they couldn't take advantage of it. BEFORE the deportations to the camps was put into effect, Jews were allowed to emigrate... to leave Germany. The problem was that many countries were overwhelmed with fleeing Jews, and put limits on how many they would accept. Also, Jews who emigrated weren't allowed to take any money or anything of value. It was quite a trauma to leave behind your home, your belongings, and your country, to go to a new place where you had no money and no home. If the refugees knew that forced deportation to the death camps awaited them, more would have tried to leave Germany and the occupied territories. But no one knew for sure what was coming. They knew it would be bad, but had no idea it would be murderously bad for them and their families.

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Q: Why did many Jews have no place to go when the Nazis began their deportation?
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Routine major deportations began in October 1941 with the deportation of the Berlin Jews. (At the time, the Nazis didn't have extermination camps, so many of the German Jews were dumped in the already overcrowded ghettos in Warsaw and Lodz, but most were sent to Riga, Latvia, where they were shot).In the early stages of the Holocaust the Nazis sent the killers - the mobile killing units - to the victims, but later they transported the victims to the extermination camps, as they found this simpler, less messy and more 'efficient'.

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