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Q: Why did many notherners begin to oppose the civil war?
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Why did many northerners oppose to the civil war?

Didn't like the way Lincoln was running it. Some of these people were called copperheads.

How many years after the Missouri Compromise did the Civil War begin?

41 years

What did the opposition to legalize cause many conservatives to do?

Opposition to legalized abortion caused many conservatives to oppose the ERA.

When did Civil War begin in Africa?

There have been many civil wars in many African countries.

How many Colorado State Representatives have indicated that they oppose the pending bill that would legalize same-sex civil unions in Colorado?

On March 12, 2013, 26 representatives voted against the civil unions bill. It passed nonetheless and was signed into law.

Which religions disapprove of certain medical procedures?

Many religions oppose abortions, because they believe it is murder. The Jehovah's Witnesses oppose blood transfusions because they believe that God prohibits the eating of blood. Catholics oppose euthanasia, because they believe it is murder. Catholics also oppose in vitro fertilization, sterilization, most forms of birth control, and artificial insemination. Christian Scientists oppose many medical practices. Scientologists oppose pharmaceutical psychiatry.

Why did they support or oppose Taft?

There are many reasons why someone would support or oppose President Taft. Many opposed or supported him based on his party representation for example.

Is there any civil war word that starts with b?

Yes there are many Civil War Heros who's last name begins with B. Some words that begin with B are Belle Isle Prison and the "Bull Run" the site of Civil War's earliest and bloodiest battles.

Make a sentence out of oppose?

Many were opposed to the new legislature.

Did California enter the US as a free state or slave?

It was admitted to the Union as free soil. To get the South to agree to this, Congress had to make concessions, including the Fugitive Slave Act, which turned many Notherners towards Abolitionism, and pushed the country closer to civil war. If California could have been admitted as two different states, divided along the line of the Missouri Compromise, war could have been avoided.

What contributions did JFK make?

JKF made many contributions to the world. One of them was to begin the American space program. He also was a great supporter of civil rights.

Why did many conservatives oppose ERA?

they opposed the sexual revolution and abortion