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Because they were not powerful enough they wanted power for the government not the states

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Q: Why did many of the founding fathers believe they needed to be changed or replaced?
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Why did the founding fathers believe it was not necessary to address individual rights issues specifically in the Constitution?

The Founding Fathers said a very great deal about individual rights.

When did the founding fathers become founding fathers?

I think on 1943

Who made the government?

In the US, our founding fathers.

Did any of the founding fathers have pets?

no.none of the founding fathers have pets

How did the Founding Fathers set about establishing a nation with a strong constitution?

Its political system cannot be easily changed.

Where is the founding fathers bar from bones?

Blackbuck near Farragut Square. Name changed to protect the innocent

What law has changed since the founding fathers?

(I'm assuming you're talking about the United States here) A quick place to look for major changes in national law is in the Amendments to the Constitution. Most of the changes to our founding document were put into place after the deaths of our founding fathers.

What would you tell a founding father?

I would ask Americas founding fathers, how they became Americas founding fathers? Also why did they sign the deceleration of independence? Lastly why do we have founding fathers?

How many Founding Fathers were there?

There were 74 delegates/founding fathers at the constitutional convention

Why would you say thanks to the founding fathers?

we the people of the united states would like to say thank you to our founding fathers because they have helped our country grow and beging. Our founding fathers were the leaders of america wrote the billl of rights and the constituion that begins just like the first sentence; we the people of the united states of america . our founding fathers made our government the first to believe in ''we.'' to finish it off we should say thank you to our founding fathers because they made our country possible and fought for it through 8 years and achieved it.

What did the four founding fathers do?

Which ones? There are more than four founding fathers, my friend.

What is meant by the Founding Fathers were men of their time?

What is meant by "the Founding Fathers were men of their time"