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Trials by ordeal were based on superstitions of people, both Christian and pagan. In some places they were authorized by law and, at times, supported by the Church. In other places and times they were condemned in written law and forbidden by the popes.

Trial by ordeal was often done by making a person reach into boiling water to retrieve a stone, or tying the person up and throwing them in a river, with the belief that an innocent person would sink and die. But it was not always so hurtful, dangerous, and cruel. There was a system called the "Ordeal of ingestion," in which a person was given dry bread and cheese to eat after it had been blessed by a priest for the purpose. If the person choked, he was considered guilty. While it might have been unfair and silly, it was at least less cruel, a fact that made it more acceptable to people who would otherwise have objected.

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I do not have any idea sorry

When did trial by ordeal in middle ages start?

Trial by ordeal did not originate in the Middle Ages. It probably developed in prehistory, but certainly existed in the earliest historic periods. There is a link below.

What is ordeal?

an extremely severe or trying test, experience, or trial.

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What is the meaning of ordeal?

An ancient form of test to determine guilt or innocence, by appealing to a supernatural decision, -- once common in Europe, and still practiced in the East and by savage tribes., Any severe trial, or test; a painful experience., Of or pertaining to trial by ordeal.

What is the origin of the term trial by fire?

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