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Q: Why did mercantilsts believe that nations should set up over seas colonies?
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Why did mercantilists believe that nations should set up over seas colonies?

because. They farted

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that the nations of Europe should not establish any new colonies in the Western Hemisphere.

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Any answer to this question would be pure opinion, but I sincerely believe that nations should not have the freedom to develop nuclear weapons. The more nations that have them, the more likely it becomes that they will be used.

What would support the statement nations with colonies are more powerful than those without since power is needed for survival nations should create large empires?

A Social Darwinist PLATO PALS .

The US and Great Britain believe the liberated nations of Eastern Europe should do what?

To Hold free elections and determine their futures :)

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Because they believed they should have a government speak for the colonists voice.

What were the two big ideas did thomas believe in?

The two big ideas that Thomas Jefferson believed in were that he believed that the colonies should be free from Britain and he believed that the British had no right to tax the colonies because they had no representatives to represent them.

What were two big ideas did thomas Jefferson believe in?

The two big ideas that Thomas Jefferson believed in were that he believed that the colonies should be free from Britain and he believed that the British had no right to tax the colonies because they had no representatives to represent them.

Colonist who argued that the colonies should not separate from Britain is called what?

thew colonies that argued that the colonies should not separates are called patriots

Why was Britain taxing the colonies?

In which three areas of the world did European nations try to gain colonies and trading rights?

i dont know someone else figure it out you should know this stuff people! gosh

Should nations align themselves with other nations in the interests of nations and world peace?

because they are stupid