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Miss Maudie felt that the town of Maycomb was making a step forward because they had the courage to stand up against racism and prejudice by convicting Tom Robinson, a black man wrongly accused of a crime. She believed that the decision represented progress towards a more just and equal society.

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Q: Why did miss Maudie feel like the town of maycomd was makinga step?
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Who says the trial will be like a roman carnival and refuses to go?

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Who says that the trial of tom Robinson will be like a roman carnival and refuses to attend?

Miss Maudie Atkinson says this about the trial of Tom Robinson, and she refuses to attend because she does not want to be a part of the spectacle and injustice of the event.

What was boo like when he was a boy according to miss Maudie?

Miss Maudie describes Boo as a polite and shy boy who always treated her with respect and kindness. She mentions that he was a good kid who eventually fell in with the wrong crowd and started getting into trouble.

What does Maudie Atkins look like?

Maudie Atkins was described in the book Where the Red Fern Grows as a tall, slender woman with brown hair and friendly blue eyes. She was known for her kind and compassionate nature, always willing to help others in need.

Why is bursa rich?

Because they feel like it ok. Because they feel like it ok. Because they feel like it ok. Because they feel like it ok. Because they feel like it ok. Because they feel like it ok. Because they feel like it ok. Because they feel like it ok. Because they feel like it ok.

Why did miss Maudie joke about the fire?

Miss Maudie joked about the fire to lighten the mood and offer comfort during a distressing situation. Humor can be a coping mechanism during difficult times, and she likely used it to help calm the children's fears.