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Q: Why did most Jews believe that the Messiah would be a descendant of King David?
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Did the Jews think that the messiah would be a human being or god in human form?

The Jews do not believe that God can take a human form. Mashiach (the anointed) will be a descendant of David and entirely human.

What king did the Jews believe Jesus would be descended from?

The Jews had no expectations for Jesus because they did not regard him as the Messiah. However they did believe that the hoped-for Messiah would be descended from King David. It has been pointed out that a thousand years after the time attributed to David, possibly two million Jews could claim to be descended from David.

How did the Jewish religious leaders know that messiah would be born in Bethlehem?

The first century Jews venerated the ancient kings of Judah. Since King David was believed to have been born in Bethelehem, they believed that the Messiah who would one day come to save their nation from foreign domination, would asl be born in Bethlehem. The authors of both Matthew and Luke said that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, although the author of John seems to have believed otherwise.Jewish AnswerThere is no prophecy of a moshiach (messiah) being born in Bethlehem. This is a misunderstanding of the specification that hamoshiach will be a descendant of King David.

Why does Matthew in the Bible in refer to Jesus as son of david?

If Jesus was the messiah the first question asked would be "is he of the house of David?" Any claim to be the Messiah would have to pass this genealogical test. Every devout Jew knew that the Messiah would come from the lineage of David. So Matthew traces Christ's genealogy through the royal line of David. The title 'son of David' also links Jesus with humanity.

In the Bible what is meant by Root of Jesse in Isaiah 11?

The "Root of Jesse" in Isaiah 11 refers to the prophecy that a descendant of Jesse, who was the father of King David, would arise to rule with wisdom and righteousness. Christians interpret this as referring to Jesus Christ, who is considered to be a descendant of Jesse through the lineage of David. This prophecy is seen as a promise of the coming Messiah.

Why did God's people consider genealogies so important?

Because Almighty God promised a Messiah that would come from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and then to David. So they were very careful so that when the Messiah arrived, his lineage would add to the proof that he was the true Messiah.

Why is Jesus ancestry important to David?

I doubt if the ancestry question about the coming Messiah was of much concern to David because it was God who had made the covenant with David that a King from his loins would sit on the throne of Judah and at the last time the "greater David", the Messiah would sit on the throne. David could not do a thing about it as God had made the covenant and it was up to God to perform it. But I guess you could say it was a good assurance to David.

Why is King David considered an ancestor of Jesus?

The prophets said tat the messiah would come from the seed of Jessee , and king David was the son of Jessee..

Why was messiah to come from the tribe of judah?

The Messiah was prophesied to come from the tribe of Judah because it was predicted in Genesis 49:10 that the scepter would not depart from Judah until the Messiah comes. This lineage would fulfill the promises made to King David about an everlasting kingdom.

Did the Jews believe their deliverer would be a strong king?

Yes. Most Jews today continue to envision a future Messiah who will be a king as well. Judaism rejects the Christian notion that the Messiah is to be partly divine.

What Jewish Messiah was the ancestor of the Israelites?

The question as written makes no sense; Israelites had formed a civilization and then argued that they would have a king in the future who would be responsible for earth-shattering actions, who would be termed the "Messiah". So no Messiah is the ancestor of the Israelites, but the Messiah will be the descendant of the Israelites.Conversely, Biblical tradition holds that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel are the ancestors of all Israelites. However, these Patriarchs are not considered Messiahs.

What is Mary's lineage?

Mary was from the lineage of King David, as stated in the Bible. This lineage is important because it fulfills the prophecy that the Messiah would come from the house of David.