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Q: Why did napoleon decide to let boxer live in animal farm?
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In animal farm who did boxer blame for the executions what was his solution?

Boxer's tow mottos are: "Napoleon is always right!" and "I will work harder."

Why is boxer so important to napoleon's success?

Boxer is very important to Napoleon's success because no other animal on the farm works harder than Boxer. He is also the most dedicated and loyal worker.

Where can you find pics of animals from the book Animal Farm?

Google Images. Type in the animals name, and animal farm. For example: Boxer Animal Farm. Or, Say the animal and type of animal. For example: Napoleon Pig

What two phases does boxer use frequently in animal farm?

" i will work harder" and Napoleon is always right!"

What injury does boxer sustain in the book animal farm?

He had been working too long and Napoleon thought he was useless to retire so early so he killed boxer

What animal was Napoleon in Animal Farm?

Napoleon was a boar (pig)

In Animal Farm who is the muscle of the corps?

The muscle in Animal Farm is Boxer.

What is boxer like in Animal Farm?

Boxer is a very hard worker. His two slogans are, " I will work harder" and " Napoleon is all ways right" He died because of old age and Napoleon send him to a slaughterer but he tells the animals that he has gone to a expensive hospital.

Why didn't boxer kill napoleon in animal farm?

Because, Boxer, like all the other animals, were brainwashed by the pigs in the beginning. They only thing the only way to survive is for the pigs to be in charge.

What was another thing that Boxer said in animal farm?

he says "I will work harder"He says that he ewill work harder and better

Why does Napoleon seem to feel threatened by Boxer?

Napoleon's motive for betraying boxer was to remove a potential threat. The animals rallied around boxer if his opinion would change against Napoleon he would loose some of his control of the farm.

When was Benjamin - Animal Farm - created?

Benjamin - Animal Farm - was created in 1945.