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They were catholics while most people in the US wereprotestant

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Q: Why did nativists want to place limits on Irish Immigrants?
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In what ways were Irish and German immigrants to the US similar and different?

They were similar in that both differed from the Anglo-Protestant "norms" of the United States and faced a degree of hostility and alienation as a consequence. They were different in that the Irish at least spoke English but on the other hand were much more associated with Catholicism, the latter earning them the particular enmity of nativists.

Why do people soketimes say that the US is and has alwayes been a land of immigrants?

Everyone who came to the colonies came from another place. About 48% were English, but there were Germans, Irish, Scottish, Swedish, and other nations. That makes them immigrants.

How did Abraham Lincoln recruit soldiers?

A draft was begun and at first there were many volunteers. A wealthy man could also buy his way out of the draft by paying another man to take his place. The recruiters would also go to the docks when the ships arrived with young Irish immigrants men and sign them up. About 60% of the armies were Irish immigrants.

Why did the Irish immigrants come to the US?

Irish Immigrants came to the United States in the early part of the 19th century because there was the Potato Famine in Ireland. This caused starvation and forced the Irish to immigrant to another place. This place was the US. Additionally, the Northeastern part of the US including New York City offered employment as dock or factory workers. People from Ireland have made up a substantial part of the US population from European nations.

Why did Irish and German immigrants come to the US in the period between 1845 and 1855?

Many Irish and Germans immigrated to the US in the 1840s and 1850s because America was seen as a place with more opportunities, and better living conditions. The Irish and Germans were not happy with the conditions in their countries. They wanted a chance at a better life.

What place does Irish dancing have in Irish culture?

irish history

When people move from place to place what are they?


Who places limits on government?

the people who place limits on the government is the community

What place in North America did the British try to have Irish immigrants settle in?

The potato famine in Ireland lasted from 1845 to 1849. During this terrible part of Irish history, Great Britain tried to direct Irish people immigrating to North America to settle in Canada. The British provided incentives to induce this among the Irish. Many did, however, very often they left Canada to settle in the US.

Why are candles placed on windows of Irish homes on Christmas eave?

Dating back hundreds of years, the Irish have a tradition to light a candle and place it in the window on Christmas Eve, December 24, of each year. Different stories and legends surround this Catholic religious tradition which has spread to other countries by Irish immigrants. This custom continues as part of Irish culture in the modern day, to celebrate the holiday.

Why do you think immigrants stay even though there was discrimination?

I think the immigrants liked that place

What is the best place to find Irish wedding rings?

The best place to find a Irish wedding ring would be to go online to Irish wedding At this place you could really get a great deal of Irish prices and merchandise.