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The potato famine in Ireland lasted from 1845 to 1849. During this terrible part of Irish history, Great Britain tried to direct Irish people immigrating to North America to settle in Canada. The British provided incentives to induce this among the Irish. Many did, however, very often they left Canada to settle in the US.

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Q: What place in North America did the British try to have Irish immigrants settle in?
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The Irish immigrants to early nineteenth century America?

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No, it was better. Irish immigrants had rights and freedoms in America, when they previously did not in their home country.

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Where was the largest population of Irish immigrants in 1750?

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living human but really it was Irish immigrants

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Yes they have. InHouston, Dallas, and New Braunfels.

What did Irish immigrants tend to settle in cites?

yes the tended to stay in america's largest cities. (i am not sure my histoy teacher told me that please correct if it's wrong)

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Irish immigrants are going to Ireland, Irish emigrants are going to many places including America, Australia, Britain and Canada.

Where did most German and Dutch immigrants settle in Colonial America?

no it was not the Germans. Germans moved to states like Ohio,Illinois,Indiana. However, The Irish were the ones to settle in New York. Not just that but Philadelphia, Boston.

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They brought potatoes and irish chedder

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