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Firstly we must remember that it is N.a.S.A that chooses a astronaut, and it is them that chooses them for a special space mission only. The astronauts can not choose it.

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Q: Why did no one else but Neil have the courage to go to the moon?
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Was there any one else that stepped on the moon before Neil Armstrong?

Nope. Neil Armstrong was the FIRST person on the Moon.

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Neil Armstrong was the first man ON the moon, no one has been IN the moon...

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The first person on the moon was Neil Armstrong.

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Neil Armstrong was the first man to step on the moon. As he stepped onto the moon he said, "That's one small step for man,and one giant leap for mankind. : ) He was an astronaut! Yay Neil Armstrong!

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Neil Armstrong spoke these words from the moon:"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

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No they were in one spacecraft but first Neil Armstrong then Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon.

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the first one is Neil Armstrong.

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Was Niel Armstrong one of the moon lander?

Yes, Neil Armstrong was one of the first men on the moon on the moon, along with Buzz Aldrin.

What were the first words said on the moon and who said them?

Neil Armstrong was the first person to step on the moon and the first words ever said on the moon by Neil were: " That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."

What were the first words received from the moon?

The first words on the moon were spoken by Neil Armstrong. When Neil Armstrong took the first step on the moon he said, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

What was the first word neil Armstrong say when he stepped on the moon?
