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Q: Why did nobles and clergy despise the new middle ages?
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The four main groups in the 1500s wereGentlemenCitizensYeomenLabourers

What were the different levels of society during the middle ages and how were they determined?

King, Clergy, Nobles, Knights, Bourgeois, Peasant, Serf, Slaves

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Voting was a very uncommon activity in the middle ages. In general the countries were run a the direction of Kings, Nobles and clergy and no one voted.

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an officer in the house of important nobles in the middle ages in the french administration system was a officer in the house of important nobles in the french administration of the middle ages

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A queen was a member of the royalty. The traditional division of the medieval people into nobles, serfs, and clergy is a bit misleading, because it is quite simplistic. The royalty were separate from the nobility, and were, obviously, above them.

What did clergy eat in middle ages?

A pope would eat different meats, poultry, bread, vegetables, etc.

Who lost power in the Middle Ages?

The nobles of the Middle Ages gave way to the power of the Monarchies as this period of history in Europe was coming to an end.