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because he knew that she was bad and wanted to turn him into an animal

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Q: Why did odysseus not give into the charms of circe?
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Who gives Odysseus an antidote to counter Circe's charms?


What did Hermes give to Odysseus?

Hermes gave Odysseus several things: 1. A chance at escaping back to Ithaca when he tells Calypso to free Odysseus. 2. A sprig of Moly to resist Circe's magical charms. 3. Advice to Odysseus on how to defeat Circe.

Does circe give Odysseus a compass?

There is no mention of a compass in Circe's gifts to Odysseus.

What makes Odysseus give in to Circe's enticements?

Odysseus gives in to Circe's enticements because he is physically weakened by his journey and her magic. Additionally, Circe offers him enticing promises of comfort, rest, and pleasures that appeal to his exhaustion and desire for respite. Her powers also make it difficult for Odysseus to resist her charms.

How did Hermes affect Odysseus?

Two instances: 1. When Odysseus is on the island of Calypso, Hermes comes as a messenger to persuade Calypso let Odysseus go. 2. Hermes gives Odysseus advice on how to avoid danger from Circe and how to get his men back from her. He gives Odysseus a magical plant to protect Circe from her charms, tells Odysseus to pretend to want to kill Circe after she tries to cast her spell, and warns Odysseus not to sleep with Circe before she has promised to do no harm to him.

Where did Circe give Odysseus directions to?


What did Circe give to Odysseus to take with him on this journey?


How does circe know who Odysseus is?

Circe knows who Odysseus is because she is a goddess-enchantress. She has the gift of fore sight and sees who Odysseus is right away. She also give Odysseus prophesies that help him reach home.

Where does circe send odysseus when he leaves her home?

circe sends odysseus to the underworld

What did Circe turn Odysseus' men into?

Circe turned Odysseus' men Into swine.

Who was the god who warned Odysseus about circe's magic?

Hermes warned Odysseus about Circe's magic.

How did Circe treat Odysseus and his men at first?

Circe turns Odysseus' men into swine.