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Q: Why did orgo put a clock under his desk?
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Why did orgo put dynamite under his pancakes?

He wanted to see them rise.

What is the best way to measure the weight of a desk?

Put a scale under each leg of the desk. Add up the individual weights.

What Did Orgo Say On Valentine's Day?

"i may not be the best kisser in the world but i will put my lips up against yours any time" that's what orgo said

Where would a dad put something of yours?

In a box ,under your pillow and behind a DVD or desk

Was does the CD was under her desk mean?

I don't know.I heard it from thecomputernerd01 on Youtube.

Why did Orgo put a box of chalk in the fire?

he wanted a iece of chalk lit

How do you put the paper under the lamp on Shrink Ray Island?

The paper from the kitchen table has a secret message. Put in on the computer desk, then climb up and tilt the desk lamp down close to the paper, and turn it on.

How do you get kittens to sleep alone?

You put a clock (that ticks) under its blanket and it will think it is its mothers heart

What should you put under your loft bed that will make it look really cool?

I have a couch under mine, you could put a desk, bean bag chairs with a table, another bed.. etc.

Is under an adverb?

Yes it is an adverb. Adverb of Place. Where? Under!

What is a good prank for school?

Put a fake snake under your teachers desk, my teacher went running across the classroom.

What will a magnet pick up?

a magnet will pick up another magnet. magnet will stick to iron. Fun Activity: if you have more than one magnet you can play a trick to your friends. you just need one magnet under a iron desk and put another magnet over on top of the desk. once you did that make sure that your friends doesnt see your hand under the desk and touching the magnet. slowly move the magnet under the desk so that it doesnt make lots of noise. then once you move the magnet under the desk the other magnet that is on top of it on the desk will move.