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There were a number of reasons why the other European nations did not stop Adolf Hitler's aggressive takeover of additional territory:

1 - Annexation of the Rheinland, March 1936.

The Rheinland had always belonged to Germany but after World War I had been demilitarised and placed under a League if Nations mandate under the administration of France. Many European leaders felt that it was only right that Germany re-claim this.

2 - Anschluss - Annexation of Austria, March 1938.

A similar argument to the one above - until 1806 Austria had been part of the (first) German Empire and was therefore German. As the annexation was "legitimised" in a referendum following the annexation, many European leaders accepted this fait-a-compli.

3 - Annexation of the Sudetenland, October 1938.

Traditionally an area inhabited by "Volksdeutsche", (ethnic Germans), Hitler claimed at the Munich conference that the Sudetenland would be Germany's last territorial claim. The French and Germans, still weary after the First World War, were not willing to threaten Germany militarily and without discussing Hitler's demands for the Sudetenland with the Czech government and accepted Hitler's demands, believing that they had secured "peace in our time" (Neville Chamberlain, British Prime Minister.

4 - Annexation of the rest of Czechoslovakia, March 1939

With the surrender of the Sudetenland, Hitler and the Wehrmacht had been able to overcome Czechoslovakia's formiddable border defenses and bunkers (which according to the Wehrmacht's own intelligence reports could not have been defeated) without a shot being fired. This left the Czech hinterland totally undefended.

Following the deployment of Czech troops in the autonomous region of Slovakia Hitler coerced the deposed Slovak minister president, Josef Tizo, to sign a pre-prepared Declaration of Independence, claiming that if he did not, Slovakia would be divided between Poland and Hungary. Tizo was fed German intelligence reports that Hungarian troops were heading to the Slovak border.The declaration was read out the next day and accepted unanimously by the Slovak parliament.

The same day, the Czech president Hácha was in Berlin for a meeting with Hitler. After being made to wait several hours, he was finally seen at 1 am. Hácha asked Hitler to respect his country's right to self-determination, but Hitler made it very clear that German troops were poised to invade the country and any resistance would be brutally crushed. Hácha, who during this meeting suffered a heart attack, was given 4 hours to make the necessary arrangements to prevent any military resistance. At 4 am on 15 March, 1939, Hácha signed away his country's independece and German troops entered the newly named Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Slovakia, now finally autonomous, became a satelite state of Germany

The reaction from European leaders was again weak, Britain and France handed protest notes to the German government and Britain recalled its ambassador. Britain, France, USA, USSR and Poland refused to acknowledge the annexation of Czech territories. Britain and France then gave Poland guarantees, promising to defend Polish sovereignty.

5 - Invasion of Poland, 1 September 1939

By now Hitler firmly believed that the other European powers would do nothing to stop his land-grabs. The invasion of Poland finally spurned Britain and France into action. Both countries issued ultimatums for Germany to pulll its troops out of Poland. When Hitler failed to do so, Britain and France declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939. The Second World War had begun.

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people were scared that Hitler was too powerful and if they tried something to stop him they too woukld be killed.

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Because they were still recovering from the last world war (World War I). It costed a lot of money to repair everything and it killed many people. Beginning another one wasn't an option for a while.

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Because they didn't want to start another world war due to the devastating effects of the last one (World War I). It costed a lot of money to repair everything and it killed many people.

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