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because he wanted some shrimp but he could only find children

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Q: Why did pennywise the dancing clown eat children?
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Does pennywise the clown get you at night?

Only if you don't eat your veggies.

Do clown fish eat crackers?

No, Clown fish do not eat crackers

Are clown fish carnivores?

Yes they are they can eat a baby clown fish

What type of food does a clown fish eat?

In the wild they eat the leftovers from their adopted anemone, in captivity they eat fish food.

Why wont a cannable eat a clown?

they will eat clowns.

Can a clown fish eat a baby clown fish?

Of course it can. It can eat anything small enough to fit into its mouth that it wants to.

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What does a clown eat?

Funny money

Why does pennywise eat people?

Robert Gray

What does a clownfish eat?

Clown fish eat SEA SPONGE

How does pennywise clown die?

pennywise never dies.....but in IT the movie it shows pennywise in his true physical form and the loser club kills him and takes the heart of the spider and throws it on the floor.....and in dreamcatcher another king novel.....Mr. gray is pennywise but pennywise is an alien.....and takes control of a man by turning into powders and the man breaths that penny never died he's in all the books...but you have to take in consideration of how IT acts and how it appears in the book....all of king's books are all in common they have connections...and I've heard there's going to be a remake of the IT true that is i don't know but i sure hope so

Is a clown fish a herbivore?

The clown fish is not a herbivore scientist researched about clown fish is a Omnivore and they eat little fishes too