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its not that they started to believe him after he died its just that it was only proved to be true in 1950-60 when the mid-atlantic ridge was discovered and researched to prove his theory to be true

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Q: Why did people believe Alfred wegener after he died?
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What did Alfred Wegener accomplish?

lhe died

When did Alfred wegener died?

November 1930

Where was Alfred Wegener's funeral?

didn't have one left him where he died

What age was Alfred Wegener?

50 and a few days when he died

How old was harry hess when wegener died?

Alfred Wegener died in November 1930. Harry Hess was born on May 24th, 1906. That would mean that Harry was 24 when Wegener died.

What was the date when Alfred wegener died?

November 2 or 3, 1930

Why did people agree with Alfred Wegener's theory after he died?

they finally accepted his theory because scientist tested his theory and found the same conclusion which alfred wegner had already said before he died.

How old was Harry Hess when Alfred Wegner died?

Harry Hess was born on May 24th, 1906. Alfred Wegener died sometime in November of 1930. That would mean that Harry Hess was about 24 years old when Wegener died.

How many expeditions did Alfred wegener go on?

four, and he died on his last one

Why did Alfred Wegener die?

He was a heavy smoker and it is told that he died from heart failure , this was during his 4th expedition on Greenland.

When did Alfred wegeners wife die?

Alfred Wegener's wife died Decenmber 15, 1933people soppose that she had died from a heart attckduring the cold night.

What did Alfred Wegener die from?

he died in Greenland on an expedition. he died due to heart failure. he was a heavy smoker