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People in those times were largely religious, much more so than we are now. In those days, the word of the preacher was akin to law. So when the churches condemned witchcraft, things that may at one time seemed ordinary, now were acts of witches. Some people may have genuinely believed in witches, while others were just using them as a convenient scapegoat for life's problems, such as weather, etc.

I mean I'm not a history scholar or anything but it's what I scraped together from my readings in english and my U.S. history courses.

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Q: Why did people believe in witches in 16th and 17th century?
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What was the 16th century attitude to witches?

they hated witches

What powers do witches have in the 16th century?

None. Witches are simply folk tales made up by ignorant people that knew no better.

What did witches do in the 16th century?

If i could answer it i would'nt be on this site would i?!?!?!?!?!

How were witches caught?

witches were caught int he 16th and 17th century by being tested in different ways

How did they punish witches in the 16th century?

burning them at the stake or hanging them usually.

Why 16th century witches are accused of witchcraft?

because they were well solid doctors!

What was important about that place in the 16th century?

because witches were very popular in them day's

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0ver 300

Why people afraid of witches in the 16th and 17th centuries?

because witches were very scary then people didnt think witches were very nice

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Colchester Castle (In England) was made in 16th Century and was ruined by witches!

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When did people believe in witches?

actually people have always believed in witch craft ...but it wasnt until the 16th century that people really believed even more then before in witch craft and went on douzens of witch hunts in the idea that they would purge the world of witches and even now though people do believe in witches and wiccans and im not talking about twilight and harry potter their are actuall real things like that out in the world not the far fetched crap the media is trying to push on us.Even though Harry Potter IS and always will be the most amazing film in the universe, it does not explain why people belive in witches :S