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Because they had no explanation for magnetism?

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Q: Why did people believe that the lodestone had magical powers?
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How do you get magical powersIs there any easier way to get them?

ahhh... you don't it is impossible to get magical powers, and there definietly is no 'easier way to get them'. you should get checked if you honestly believe there is magical powers

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The meaning of birtud is mystical powers or magical. Some people believe they have birtud by having in their possession a talisman.

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Circe was a Greek mythological enchantress who turned men into into swine. She was not a Goddess, but a nymph with magical powers. Therefore, people who believe in Circe are everybody who believe in Greek mythological characters.

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It can be if you just believe it can. Magical mind powers.

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i believe she has psychic and magical powers combied not to mention her gift of communicating with animals and influencing the weather

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Magicians entertain people with their "magical powers".

What makes a unicorn different from other animals?

It is magical and very few people believe in it. Unicorns have many powers such as healing, purifying water, and bringing good luck.

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The Yohure believed that the Yu Mask had magical pwers because the Yu were spirts, intermidiats between Bali and humankind.

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yes goats have magical powers they are merlins best friend and they can fart at will

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she has magical 'pussy' powers.

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I am not sure if elves have magical powers. I don't believe so. Or are the elves the ones that can talk to the animals??