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They died from starvation; over-work; terrible experimentations on them; shot to death; tortured to death; gas chambers and many died from different diseases from the lack of food, filth they had to live in.

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Because they only had a small amount of clothes on, they basically starved and died of different sicknesses.

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Q: Why did people die in concentration camps?
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Were there more death camps than concentration camps in World War 2?

Concentration camps were death camps. The people that were scheduled to die were concentrated into areas for easier delivery to the death chambers.

Did the prisoners in those concentration camps starve to death because the allies cut off the food supply to Germany?

No..... No..... The people who died in the concentration camps died because it was the intention of the Nazis that the people who were sent to the concentration camps were to die. They starved because those that imprisoned them did not feed them.

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no people in concentration camps did not have privacy for example Anne Frank

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concentration camps were German , NONE were Polish !!!

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concentration camps are prisons in a sense where as extermination camps are like death row u will certainly die in a extermination camp.

Did all people die in concentration camps?

No, some escaped and some were released. But most of them died yes.

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Why do Jews lie about concentration camps?

In my experience, Jewish people have never lied about concentration camps. The camps existed without any question.

What was the annihilation that people faced in organized death camps?

Concentration Camps

Why couldn't u.s and Britain stop concentration camps?

there was nothing wrong or illegal about concentration camps. It was what people in them did that was wrong.

How were people separated in concentration camps?

alot of people