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Luke 6:39 "Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into a pit?"

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Q: Why did people find it still difficult to believe that Jesus christ is the promise message being said by the prophets of the old testament that will come more espercially in lsrael?
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In what way do Old Testament beliefs unite Jews and Muslims?

Muslims and Jews both believe in One God, reject the concept of the trinity, and honor the Prophets of the Old Testament. Muslims and Jews both believe in One God, reject the concept of the trinity, and honor the Prophets of the Old Testament.

What religion has Prophets?

Most religions believe in some form of ancient prophets. Judaism and Christianity have the prophets of the Old Testament. Islam adds Mohammad to the list of ancient prophets. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" Church) believes in the Biblical prophets as well as modern-day prophets. They believe that the leader of their church is the prophet of God.

How many prophet in islam?

In Islam, there are many prophets (some sources say as many as 124,000), since the word "prophet" refers to someone who was sent by Allah (God) to teach a message of righteousness. Muslims believe that all the prophets mentioned in the Hebrew Bible (including Moses and Abraham) were divinely inspired, and they also believe that Jesus, in the New Testament, was a prophet. But although there is great respect for the prophets in the Old and New Testament, Muslims believe that the prophet Muhammad is the last and the greatest of all the prophets.

Did the Old Testament prophets always understand what they had written?

It depends on what you believe. I believe the old Testament Prophets were writing about more than just social and political issues of their day. Isaiah for example writes about social issues of his day (chp 1-39) but then in the last 27 chapters are filled with consolation and hope as Isaiah reveals God's promise of future blessing through His Messiah. In short no, I think the OT prophets didn't always understand the full meaning of their prophecies.

What did the Hebrews believe the prophets were?

The true prophets were God's messengers.

Do Christians Jews and Muslims believe in all or part of the Bible?

Christians believe in all of the Bible, Jews believe in the Old Testament part of the Bible and Muslims profess to believe in "all the Prophets and all the Scriptures." At the same time, however, they dismiss the Bible as being invalid and untrustworthy.

Do atheists believe in prophets?


Who believe that God spoke to his prophets?

i believe He did because it says in the Bible and it tells a story of Him and Prophets and it has helped me a lot and you should read it! :)

What prophets do Christianity and Muslim recognize?

Muslims, Jews, and Christian have the same God (Allah) and they recognize all the prophets who came from the time of Adam. The Jews on the other hand follow the Torah and the Old Testament and did not accept or believe that Mohammad (SAW) was a Prophet as he was an Arab. Christians on the other had believe that Christ was son of God, and some even take him as God. Muslims consider Christ as one of the great Prophets and that Prophet Mohammad (SAW), who came after Jesus was the last and final prophet. ______________________________________________________________ All God prophets are recognized by Muslims; including Adam, Noah, ..., Abraham, Isaac, Ismael, Jacob, Joseph, ..., Moses, ..., Jesus, and Muhammad (Peace be upon them). Christians believe in all God prophets except Muhammad. Most Christians believe that Jesus is not prophet; as Muslims believe; but they believe that he is God or son of God.

Do Jews believe in revelations?

If you're asking about the book in the Christian Testament, the answer is no. If, however, you're asking about God revealing a prophecy to a human, then yes, the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) has many prophets and God-given prophecies.

What is the significance of the Jewish religion?

Judaism was the first religion to be monotheistic (believe in one god). Jesus and all the prophets of the first testament of the Bible were Jewish. Essentially, Judaism was the foundation of all the modern, western religions.

Do you believe that there are prophets?

yes why not there are 124,000 or more