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To become part of a democracy, and to have back up if there is any attack

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Q: Why did people in Maryland decide to become part of the US?
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Why is 1783 important in Maryland?

It is important because that is when it become a part of America.

What year did Maryland become part of the union?

April 28, 1788

Who voted for independence from England?

In September 2014, Scotland had a referendum to decide if they wanted to remain part of the United Kingdom or not. Roughly 2 million people voted to remain part of the UK and 1.6 million people wanted to become independent.

Who were the important people in Maryland?

Abarham licoln George washinton And washinton d.c. is part of west virginia and maryland answered by: chloe wells

Why do words mean what they mean?

Because that's what people decide they mean. If you were to invent a new word and convince enough people to actually use that word every day, that word would become a part of the language.

Why did Maryland decide that being a part of the union was so important?

The deeply-divided slave-owning state of Maryland voted that way because all the Southern sympathisers in the higher echelons of the state legislature had been (illegally) jailed by Lincoln.

Is Maryland part af the southern colonies?

Yes, Maryland is part of the Southern Colonies

Was Maryland a part of the confederate army?

No - Maryland was a Union state

What region do Washington DC Maryland and Virginia are part of?


Is Maryland mountainous or flat?

Maryland is mountainous and hilly. The western part of Maryland has the Appalachian Mountains while the eastern part toward the ocean is flatter.

How much gas will you need to get to Maryland from new York?

It depends on what you are driving and what part of maryland to what part of New York.

What state is DC considered to be apart of?

DC is not a part of any state. It is governed by congress. The land making up DC was originally taken from Maryland and Virginia. However, the portion taken from Virginia was returned to Virginia, so if DC was ever ceased to be governed by congress, it would become a part of Maryland. That has been suggested; however, Maryland does not want D. C.