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Round houses were common in the Iron Age because they were easier to construct using locally available materials like timber and thatch. The circular shape also provided stability against strong winds and facilitated efficient heating by allowing smoke to rise and escape through a central opening in the roof. Additionally, the layout of round houses promoted a sense of community and shared living spaces among inhabitants.

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Q: Why did people in the iron ages build round houses?
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Why did people not live in cave during the ages?

During the so-called "Stone Ages," people did live in caves, especially during the Paleolithic period. However, caves were not always the preferred dwelling places, as they were shared with wild animals and often lacked sufficient protection from the elements. Additionally, humans gradually developed the ability to build more sophisticated shelters using materials like wood and animal hides, which provided better insulation and safety.

How did the people in the stone ages build shelter?

People in the Stone Age built shelters using natural materials such as wood, animal hides, and stones. They would pile rocks or logs to create simple structures like caves, lean-tos, or huts to provide protection from the elements and wildlife. These shelters were basic but effective in providing warmth and security for early human communities.

Did neolithic people make tools out of copper and bronze?

No, neolithic people primarily used stone tools. The use of copper and bronze tools came later, during the Chalcolithic and Bronze Ages.

What ages did the prehistoric people live in the alpine lake villages?

Prehistoric people in the alpine lake villages lived during the Neolithic and Bronze Ages, roughly between 4000 BC to 800 BC. These settlements were found in areas like Switzerland, Austria, and Italy, where inhabitants relied on fishing, agriculture, and trade for their livelihood.

What is the systematic recovery of material evidence for man's life and culture in past ages?

Archaeology is the systematic recovery of material evidence from past ages that helps us understand human life and culture. By studying artifacts, structures, and other remains, archaeologists can reconstruct and interpret the ways in which people lived in the past. This field provides insights into the development and changes of societies over time.

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How did people build castles in the middle ages?

They mostly used blocks of stone.

What kind of shelter did Neolithic people use?

The neolithic houses were made of mud brick and were more stable compared to the paleolithic era. The houses were built more sturdy because the people live more stable lives and there for they did not move around as much.

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To experience its new motion sensing capabilities plus it houses games for all ages.

What people build building from the middle ages?

builders of course/workers there were builders in middle ages like know only without vehicles. theybuildedwith there bare hands

What were peasants homes like and how did they differ from the wealthy homes in the middle ages?

because pheasant's houses had a roof made of a mixture of poo and other things while the rich people had proper houses

How did people bath in the middle ages?

In the beginning of the Middle Ages, the Roman baths were still in use. As they fell into disrepair they were replaced with less elaborate bath houses. The custom of bathing in public bath houses was continued for the rest of the Middle Ages. In towns and villages that had bath houses, as most towns did, nearly all people bathed there. The bath houses had bath tubs made of wood, and these were lined up, close to each other. The wealthiest lords may have had their own private baths, but they were clearly not common. In the smaller villages and hamlets, where there were no public bath houses, people bathed in lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. In much of Europe, the people of the Middle Ages were very religious, and believed that cleanliness was next to godliness, so bathing was considered virtuous, and failing to bath was evidence of a vicious character.

What were there more of middle class houses or poor houses?

Poor people far outnumbered middle class in the Middle Ages. The serfs and other peasants were the great majority of the population, and the Middle Class was very small. So there were more cottages for poor people than middle class houses.

Do serfs own there own houses in the middle ages?

Yes. They do. They were often small cottages or long houses

What did rich people make there houses out of in the middle ages?

I am positive that hey made their house's out of stone. check pictures on googel to doubel check!