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People lost faith in the church because so many people were praying but yet the "black death" did not stop. When the infection did not stop people lost faith in god and therefore lost faith in the church.

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Q: Why did people lose faith in the church during the black death?
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What was the role of religion during the black death 1343?

church controlled most of the Europe and their kings. Black Death changed people's faith.

How did the Catholic church profit from the black death?

Well, it seems almost cruels to think that the Church profited from death, but it did. At that time, some people thought it was a curse from God so a lot of people converted and people prayed harder during that time.

How did the black death affect the clergy?

I only got a couple but there still some :D -Church officials ran the hospital -The church supplied a place where people could stay and pray. -Gave hope to people in numerous ways. -The priests asked for forgiveness on behalf of all the victims of the black plague.

How did the church react to the plague?

people lost their faith on church. After pandemic they were nit influenced by church.

What role did the Church play during the Black Death?

your mom is not the anser to this thing its you dad

What sin did people blame the plague on?

people blamed Black Death. On the church and kings.

What impact did the Black Death have on regions life?

Black Death caused people to lose faith in go. they lost faith in church.

What country did most people die in during the black death?

Black death struck in Africa, Asia, and Europe.

Was the Black Death spreading during the Age Of Exploration?

The black death was a big turning point for Europe because of everything that had gone on during the black plague. After the black death people saw how terribly they wee living and disided to change it and now that have become much more cleaner and cautios.

How many British people died during the black death?

a lot

Did some people struggle more during the black death?


What should people do during the black death?

Keep clean and stay away from people.