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Q: Why did people no longer trade during the dark ages?
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Not really. Trade actually declined during the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages started because of the decline of trade, law and order vanishing, and education almost disappearing, which is why some people refer to the Middle Ages as the "Dark Ages."

What inreased trade and travel in the middel ages?

Nothing increased trade or travel in the middle ages. If anything, after the fall of Rome in 410 AD trade decreased because the roads were no longer protected by the Roman army and it was too dangerous to travel. Most people never went beyond 5 miles from home in their life.

What forms of payment were used during the middle ages?

Coins and trade and credit

During the Middle Ages along with trade came .?

All answers are correct

Who had a monopoly during the middle ages on trade?

Asia it is in my textbook

What kind of work were most people involved in during the middle ages?

During the Middle Ages, most people were farmers.

What were some of the problems faced by people in the roman empire during the dark ages?

The Middle Ages (the term Dark Ages has been out of favour for quite some time) was the period which followed the fall of the Roman Empire. Therefore, it no longer existed.