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Q: Why did people of North Carolina tolerated blackbeard the pirate appearance?
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Why did the people of North Carolina tolerate blackbeard's presence?


How many people did BlackBeard killed?

Blackbeard actually killed over 9,000 people every year!!

Should gay people be tolerated?

Since gay people exist, they should definitely be tolerated. There is no reason for intolerance toward people just because of their nature.

Who killed Blackbeard?

The people that Blackbeard killed were the ones who resisted in giving up their valuables or ships. Blackbeard was killed by the Royal Navy on November 22, 1718.

How did Blackbeard put fear into people?

He would light his beard

How did blackbeard affect the world?

BlackBeard change the world with his extended ruff-less theory for power i would had done the same all hail my Great great great Uncle BlackBeard

What do pirats ships look like?

There were many kinds of worldwide pirate ships to list them all here would be improbable. Anyway to you people who live in north carolina should know what Blackbeard's Ship looked like

Who did Blackbeard kill?

He was cought by the gov. and he was beheaded and (his head was cut off) and placed on a pole in Hampton Roads,Virginia. George.

How many pirates did blackbeard kill?

Well, in the Spring of 1718 Blackbeard was in command of four pirate ships, and well over 300 pirates.

Why was slavery tolerated?

cus no dumb people have been to ugly upload it yet

Who are the people in Shichibukai in Onepiece?

the seven shichibukai are Blackbeard, Bartholomew Kuma, Gecko Moria, Boa Hancock, Dracule Mihawk, Donquixote Doflamingo and Jimbei. There was also Crocodile but he was defeated by Luffy which I am quite sure is the position that Blackbeard filled.

Why did people move to Carolina's?

people moved to North Carolina because of religious freedom