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Q: Why did people settle in Hartford?
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Why did Hartford settle Hartford?

He diagreed with the was his lands leaders were ruling it.

Why did Roger Williams settle in Hartford?

He didn't. He settled in rhode island.

Where did Thomas Hooker settle in Connecticut?

Thomas Hooker Settled in Hartford, Connecticut.

Who discovered Hartford?

The Saukiogs (Black Earth) occupied the Hartford area before Europeans arrived. The Dutch were the first Europeans to settle in or near Hartford Connecticut. The area was discovered by Adriaen Block, a Dutch explorer when sailing up the Connecticut River.

What is the population in Hartford CT in 2008?

Hartford's population as of July of 2008 is 124,026 people.

Who found the Connecticut colony?

The Connecticut Colony was settled by groups of people, but one of the main founders was Thomas Hooker who helped settle the Hartford area starting in 1636.

Is it easy for people in Connecticut to reach Hartford?

Yes, you just take I95 North to Hartford.

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When did Hooker found Hartford?

Thomas Hooker and Samuel Stone founded Hartford with about 100 other people in 1636.

Who founded Hartford which became part of the Connecticut colony?

The Dutch explorer Adriaen Block founded Hartford Connecticut with his followers in 1633. He was the captain of a Dutch trading ship and sailed up the Connecticut river where he and his followers settled in what is now known as Hartford. Block was the first recorded European to visit the area and his followers were the first to settle in the area. Adriaen Block - Dutch explorer and captain of a Dutch trading ship 1633 - Founding of Hartford Connecticut by Block and his followers First recorded European to visit the area First settlers of Hartford Connecticut