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Q: Why did people to join the great awakening?
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Why was the great awakening called the great awakening?

The Great Awakening was named this because it awakened people from the dark. It was a religious movement that awakened the many people that had turned away from religion.

What did the second great awakening inspire people to do rearding slavery?

what did the second great awakening inspire

What is the definition of to great awakening?

The Great Awakening was started by George Whitefeild. The Great AWakening was created so that the people in the early colonies would begin to be more active in the church.

What was the awakening during the great awakening?

religion. People started to question the authority of the church.

How did the great awakening affect religious?

The Great Awakening affected religious tolarance some people disagreed with changes it brought.

What was the social impact of the great awakening?

The social impact of the great awakening drew people of different regions,classes,and races.

Why did the great awakening increase democratic feelings in the colonies?

The Great Awakening had more people care & participate in church. The people questioned authority & believed in equality.

Why did the Great Awakening increase democratic feeling in the colonies?

The Great Awakening had more people care & participate in church. The people questioned authority & believed in equality.

What did the Great Awakening cause?

people to go crazy!

What was the purpose of the a Great Awakening?

purpose was to awaken people

What is the great awakening and its effects on America?

The Second Great Awakening had an effect to the people by demostrating to build their lives better and improve society as a whole.

When was the Great Awakening?

The Great Awakening was from the 1730s- 1740s