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During the 1930s people carried out more physical activities as there was less means of transport and most of the jobs they had also asked for a lot of movement. Because of this they had to eat more food and have a higher intake of energy. In the 1980s cars had been developed and less physical activities were being carried out so naturally the amount of energy needed decraesed as they were burning less.

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Q: Why did peoples energy intake decrease between the 1930s and the 1980s?
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How can you lose some of your weight without exercise?

Think simple concept of energy balance. Energy in must equal energy out. In general, 3500kcal = 1lbs of fat loss. You can either achieve this through decreasing your intake of calories from food or increasing your energy expenditure through exercise. However, if you strictly decrease your food caloric intake----it may decrease your overall metabolism. The body may go into a starvation mode and store much of the calories as fat. The best way loose weight is to exercise and to eat a healthy balanced diet.

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Yes, water intake decreases fat deposits because it removes toxins in the cells. This will decrease your water weight and fat deposits.

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1. It is harmful for peoples with heart diseases. 2. The recommended daily intake for other peoples is 2-5 g. 2. A single important intake (hundred of grams) may be lethal.

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No, it will decrease slightly.