

Why did pocahontas stand up for John Smith?

Updated: 11/10/2020
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She she didn't. She didn't know him. He made up the whole story.

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Q: Why did pocahontas stand up for John Smith?
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How did john smith get saved by Pocahontas?

I read that John Smith was adopted by Powhatan. Then he and Pocahontas became friends.

What was an interesting part of Pocahontas's life?

Pocahontas saved John Smith's life but ended up marrying John Rolfe.

Did Pocahontas look up to anyone in particular?

she looked up to john smith

What native Americans did John Smith befriend?

I don't know i just looked this up and this is what happend

Made up or exaggerated the famousstory of john smith and Pocahontas?

The love between them was made up, but Pocahontas saving John was real. They did have a friendship after that though. They never met before she saved him.

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Captin Smith made the colonists work, set up discipline, provided leadership and strengthened defenses.

Does pocahontas love John Smith or john rolfe?

It is actually unknown if Pocahontas loved John Rolfe or not, the only thing we know for sure is that they were married. But as you probably know already, not everyone who is married is happy or in love.

Pocahontas helped save the life of the colony's leader who?

The story about her saving John Smith is not true. Smith made it up in a book he wrote after she died in England.

How did Pocahontas save john smith's life?

john smith was Pocahontas's true love. Pocahontas said write when she saw him he just fell in love with his smile. she loved him from the start. but Pocahontas did not marry him cause he was captured an people told her john smith was killed, so she married john Rolfe in, well i don't no i forgot sorry how bout you guys tell me! :)

Did Henry Hudson meet Pocahontas?

he did meet Pocahontas an was not happy with John smith being in love with her he was really really mest up to there love sadly he stinks literally Jk noim serious

Why was John Smith not married to Pocahontas?

She didn't save Smith and she was a little girl. The story we know is not true. Actually the colonist landed in an area of 14,000 Native Americans and in the worse land in the area. Powhatan pretty much left them alone. I think he figured that they would die from the bad water and disease . He was fairly right. Within 6 months there were only 34 men left alive of the 104 who came. It wasn't until after his death that the brother of Powhatan attacked the colony. The story about Smith is also not true. He did NOT save Jamestown. He was only there a very few months and he lied about his contribution to the settlement in a book he wrote several years later. He also made up the story about Pocahontas and she died young so couldn't refute his story. The man who did save Jamestown was the husband of Pocahontas and gave tobacco seeds to the colony. That was John Rolfe.

Who came first John Smith or John Rolfe?

He did NOT save Jamestown. He was only there a very few months and he lied about his contribution to the settlement in a book he wrote several years later. He also made up the story about Pocahontas and she died young so couldn't refute his story. The man who did save Jamestown was the husband of Pocahontas and gave tobacco seeds to the colony. That was John Rolfe.