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Q: Why did president Johnson raise tax?
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What president outlawed poll tax and literacy tests for blacks?

President Johnson

Can a president raise or lower taxes?

No. The President has no power over taxes. He can ask Congress to raise the income tax, but they tend to do what they want to do. President Obama did ask Congress to increase the income tax on high incomes.

When did President Obama force Congress to raise Gasoline Sales Taxes?

Pres. Barack Hussein Obama did not force Congress to raise gasoline sales taxes. The president wanted Congress to raise the federal gasoline excise tax but the Republican led House refused to do so.

What happened in georgia in response to general shermans order that freed slaves should be given land and a mule?

It was stopped by president Johnson’s b*tchass

Why did the president raise taxes after The Louisiana Purchase?

First, the President can not raise taxes. Only Congress can do that. Thomas Jefferson was the President who made the Louisiana Purchase. Money had to be borrowed from European bankers to make the purchase. I am not aware that Jefferson asked for any tax increases. There was no income tax in those days. Tariffs and duties were the main source of revenue. There were taxes on whiskey and certain commodities.

Why did Andrew Johnson become the president?

Johnson was vice-president under Lincoln. After Lincoln was killed, Johnson became president.

Was Johnson President of the US?

Andrew Johnson was president from 1865 to 1869. Lyndon B Johnson was president from 1963 to 1969.

Who was the president when Johnson was the Vice President?

Richard M. Johnson was the Vice President to Martin Van Buren.Andrew Johnson was the Vice President to Abraham Lincoln.Lyndon Baines Johnson was the Vice President to John F. Kennedy.

Who was the President of the United States before Andrew Johnson?

Before Johnson was Abraham Lincoln. Johnson was Lincoln's vice-president.

How did Lyndon Johnson become president?

Lyndon Johnson was Vice President to President John F. Kennedy. Johnson became president following Kennedy's assassination in 1963.

General Shermans special field order number 15 was?

Rejected by president johnson

What was president Johnson's term of presidency?

Johnson was President from 1963-1969