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Because it wasnt an exact place on the map like they usually are

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Q: Why did republicans consider senator john crittenden's plan to protect slavery south of 36-30'n latitude unacceptable?
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What is the perimeter of the Antarctic?

You can consider 60 degrees S latitude as the farthest extent of the Antarctic region.

Lines of latitude are horizontal or vertical?

They are parallel to the earth's equator. So if you consider the equator as being horizontal then they are horizontal.

Why did the Republicans consider Senator John Crittenden's plan to protect slavery south of 36 30 N latitude acceptable?

Because Lincoln had not been elected on an Abolitionist ticket. All he said was that he would not allow any extension of slavery. So the Crittenden Compromise was acceptable in its recognition of existing slave-states, but not in its provision for possible new slave-states.

How many degreees of latitude are between north and south poles?

-- The equator is midway between the poles, at zero latitude. -- The north pole is at 90° north latitude, and the south pole is at 90° south latitude. -- Traveling from one pole to the other, you travel through a total of 180° of latitude. -- Which isn't so surprising when you consider that 360° takes you all-around something, and from one pole to the other you've gone halfway around the Earth.

Is Jordan near the equator?

That depends on what you consider "near". The Kingdom of Jordan extends in latitude between 29.19 and 37.37 degrees north. The latitude at the center of Amman is about 31.95 degrees north, roughly the same as Savannah Georgia, Midland Texas, Tucson Arizona, Ciudad Juarez Mexico, Nanjing China, and Kagoshima Japan. That latitude is about 2,210 miles (3,550 km) north of the equator.

How do you calculate time from latitude?

Every latitude extends all the way around the Earth, and is unrelated to the time at any place.If you were to consider longitude instead, the difference in solar time between two longitudes is(longitude #1)degrees minus (longitude #2)degrees/15 hours.

What is next in the range from Dell, after Dell Latitude 2100 Laptop Computer?

The Dell Studio is a logical upgrade, but you could also consider a low-end XPS such as the XPS 16.

What is co-latitude and latitude?

Latitude is the measurement of degrees from the equator to the pole so that the pole has a latitude of 90 degrees. Co-latitude is the measurement of degrees from the pole to the equator so that the equator has a latitude of 90 degrees. Also the sum of latitude and co-latitude is always 90 degrees.

What is the latitude of Darwin?


What is the difference between latitude and lines of latitude?

A line of latitude is the line of latitude shown on a map, usually representing 10 degrees latitude. Degrees of latitude are simply the number of degrees, such as 33.33 etc.

What is the reference line when determining the latitude?

The equator is zero latitude.

What is closure direction?

In directional drilling, "Closure Direction" is the azimuth in degrees from well center to a particular point in the well bore. To determine your Closure Direction you need two numbers. The current Latitude(+N/-S) and the Departure(+E/-W) from well center. The main thing to consider when calculating Closure Direction is which quadrant the coordinates are in, as it affects the calulation. The formula to determine Closure Direction in Excel would be as follows: =IF(AND(Latitude>0,Departure<0),ATAN(Departure/Latitude)*180/PI()+360,IF(Latitude<0,ATAN(Departure/Latitude)*180/PI()+180,ATAN(Departure/Latitude)*180/PI()))) Signed, Your friendly neighborhood MWD